Two weeks ago I started a new stone project keeping me busy. Also with Halloween me and my wife have been busy creating a new work of art. We showed off at our Halloween costumes at our good friends party 10/29/11. As you may have seen our Youtube with the Kia Soul Hamsters. This year we had to top last years costumes. Boy that was some hard work. Happy we can get back to sitting around and blogging.
I have been inspired by some of the most amazing clay models by Dan Snow. Some stone masons do hand drawling or us programs such as Sketchup. Others may use a drawling on a photo and some do nothing. This was my first clay model. I wanted to help my client see the wall more in 3 dimensional.
This wall at one time as most likely over 100 ft at 7 ft high. Over time the landscape changed along with the home. The wall became smaller, the old wall piled up on the driveway and around the property.
Pulling out the old wall using a pallet to make moving stone around easy.
Job site excavated. The rebuilt wall will be tied into the old wall section as I rebuild. The wall will have a curve to the right as seen in the model at the end of the blog. I will be working to build 9 - stile steps.
Top view looking down from old section. Pink lines wall build. Notice a few large stones in the earth which I will be building around.
Wall frames up 1:8 batter (every 8 inchs the wall will come in 1 inch.) This batter was closest to the old wall. This photo also shows my foundation. Pink paint marks curve.
The top of the wall frames marks 7 feet. The blue chalk line shows the curve. Notice how wide the wall is. Over 4 feet. The old wall was only 2 feet. Some would say this is way to small. But it is believe the wall has been on the property for over 100 years. With all the pins, chinks, tracer stones, limited batter, no ties I'm sure I missed something. My point the wall is still standing. Something to be said about those facts. Time shows all. My wall will out last the old section.
The clay model was created to show client the proposed wall with steps.
Our barn kitty Frolic is testing the back of the wall by applying the hydraulic pressure. Hard work I pay him well for making sure all my work stands up to his inspection. More to come as I make progress on the job.